Friday, October 12, 2012

Go to the Nicholas Flamel's old house in France


Nicholas Flamel was a small character in the first Harry Potter book. He was the one who invented the Socerer's Stone and was like 600+ years old. Well I didn't know he had a book series about himself, up until one day browsing around the book section at Target. They say "don't judge a book by it's cover" but that's pretty much the only way i choose them. I was interested by the cover, so i picked it up and saw Nicholas Flamel on the cover, in shock kind of. I read the back and it was pretty interesting, so i bought it, and the 2nd book as well. Two of the best books i have ever read, actually. Well at the end of the book, it shares authors inspiration for writing the book, and little facts about the true characters. It says that Nicholas Flamel's house is one of the oldest buildings in France, its been converted to a restaurant at 51 Rue de Montmorency. Thats where Michael Scott was when he wrote the second book, so i really want to go see it for myself one day, and maybe when we go to Paris in March, i could go..

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